While the focus on America is the mud throwing presidential race between Clinton and Trump a truly great announcement was made in America this week by Elon Musk; Tesla Solar Tiles www.tesla.com. By scaling up manufacturing he promises to offer roofs that can produce electricity for the price of normal roofs and look good too. To be honest this is a no brainer, every building has a roof that gets sunlight and at the time of construction it takes no extra effort to turn a standard roof into an electricity producing roof (once the right products are available on the market). This is something that we are already doing with a number of projects, see photo below of photovoltaic solar panels integrated into a new roof using recycled by recovery natural slates. This project located in Craughwell, Galway in Ireland is already producing electricity for the home owners, and the house looks great too. We are delighted about the Tesla announcement and look forward to their solar tiles becoming available worldwide.