Clare County Council has granted planning permission for our proposal for an innovative care centre near Scarriff in east Clare. The proposal is unique in that it combines the facilities of a respite care centre with an open farm. The Respite care centre is an important facility that will give parents and carers a break from looking after their loved ones while knowing that they are enjoying something unusual and meaningful on an open farm. The farm is located in the rural countryside of rolling hills and lakes and has a view of Lough Derg. The farm will have a diverse range of activities including caring for the heard of alpacas and Icelandic sheep. Working with animals and working on the land is has been found to be great benefit for all people, helping them develop social skills and awareness among other things. The idea to provide a respite care facility with access to farming is unique and will be of huge benefit for people with needs.
The proposal reuses an existing farm and its buildings which will be complemented by a number of new buildings. Below is an image of one of the proposed new buildings which is nestled in a disused quarry. The building is design with natural stone clad walls and a grass sod roof to fit harmoniously into its surroundings. It will be constructed using timber frame and high levels of recycled newspaper insulation, which further add to it eco credentials.